• 708-542-7343

  • 4324 Star Route, Schaumburg


Portrait is an art form that is always popular, always finds many viewers, admirers.

People want to appear in a portrait in the best, most profitable way, that’s why it is so popular to order a professional photograph from a photographer who knows his business.

A photo portrait is very dependent not only on the model, the photographer, but also on the technique used, on the parameters of photography.

There are a lot of directions in portrait photography. This is a business portrait. And a psychological portrait. There can be a home portrait and an industrial portrait. Separately there is a portrait of an older person.

Portrait photography can be in a photo studio, in an interior, in nature.
Portrait is one of the main types in photography. And you have to know how to do it right to portray the unique personality of the person with dignity.


● Overview of shooting
● Photographic equipment, lenses, equipment, accessories
● Use of aperture and focal length
● Basics of lighting for portraits
● Types of lighting:

  • ● natural light
  • ● pulsed studio light
  • Impulsed studio light ● Impulsed Speedlight
  • Impulse lighting: studio light, pulsed Speedlight
    ● Model requirements and preparation
    ● Poses and angles for the models
    ● Psychology of communication
    ● Practical portrait shooting in the studio. Application of studio equipment. Lighting.
    Practical portrait photography in nature, or in the city. Natural light and mobile light.
    ● Selecting photos
    ● RAW file processing
    ● Retouching. Final processing of portrait photos